
Whitewater Rafting

This rafting trip will lead to me spending too much time and money on watersports. This was an event organized by our rec department through a private company. The trip involved travelling down the Gallatin River through rapids all the way up to a Class IV. The thrill of riding through large rapids was enjoyed along with staring at beautiful scenery that was around us. This included mountains and various waterfowl. All of which helped us ignore the fact that we were pushing the limits of hypothermia. All these pictures were taken by the company and we bought a disc as a group. The people in the boat are myself and Brian in the front, Dan and Anna in the next road, and Glenn and Alex (the guide) in the back. (Pictures are very large, beware if you click on them)

Speciman Ridge

Long time since the last post, mostly due to poor Internet. This was one of the crazier hikes I have done since being here. It was long (23 miles), a hard to find trail (lost it numerous times) and involved fording the Lamar River. However, it was probably one of my favorite hikes since arriving here. There was prolific wildlife, including Pronghorns (fastest land animal in N. America), buffalo, and a coyote. This hike took place in the Lamar Valley in the Northeastern corner of the park. This is one of the lowest and warmest areas of the park and shows very well the extreme diversity of landscapes here in the park. I would have taken more pictures but became much to exhausted.

View from Amethyst Mtn (9,200ft):

Elk Skull (many die throughout the winters):
Bison and Pronghorn with Mt. Washburn in the back:

Cass, Anna, Matt fording the Lamar (taken while I was still standing in the river enjoying the cool water):